Monday, August 9, 2010

My girl talks to other guys, I dont like the fact that she does, this is why?

This is kinda been bugging me for a good 2 months now, I've been dating this girl for 2 years, I love her with all my heart and would do anything for her. I know that I can be controlling at times and sometimes I just.. feel like I know what's best,, anyways here we go. So in the beginning of our relationship we did not talk to the opposite sex in regards to friends because we were both very jealous, If she talked to ANY guy at all, I'd hate it and just eat me up. It's like why do girls need to talk to guys!? what do they have in common! Lol.. i personally dont talk to any girls but her because she's still insecure and jealous about the whole thing, yet she started doing it again and got in touch with some of her old guy friends. Now...when I visualize it on the real, they arent a threat. When I think about a guy and my girl, it's always a threat, after all, every freakin guy think with his.... not his mind. I'm about fed up with the fact that she has become hypocricital and said oh you cant talk to your friends that were girls but I can talk to my guy friends. I'm like wtf why? she said because all girls do is like to mess up a relationship. I said uhh not true..some girls can be good friends. You need to trust me more, after everything I've done I havent given you any reason not to trust me. Let me mention that our relationship is healing from the worst crime out of em all, infidelity. about 4-5 months ago I found her talking to another guy. I'll admit, I was a jerk to her before those 4-5 months, calling her names, getting on to her for no reason, I was going through a rough time, which wasnt an excuse but for about 2 months in a row I just was being really mean to her, so she started talking to someone else, so you kinda know where this is going, she learned her lesson, so did I, but now like she talks to these guys and I'm jealous..I dont know what to do or how to get over it. Truthfully..I guess in the back of my mind I worry about her slipping again, so I worry about getting into any fight with her, i'd just rather keep my mouth shut :(! she doesnt hang out with these guys at all, just talks and yes I do know every move she makes. After the inciddent that happened, I've been a bit paranoid, who wouldnt be afterall? so..i know this is wrong and I'm trying to quit the habit but I check her myspace, her call records, and try to catch her doing whatever it is shes doing... its like I want to make sure she isnt messing with my heart and wont. She put it on her dads life that she loves me and that im all she ever wanted (no i didnt make it easy for her to win me back) and now we're engaged. im 21 shes 19 almost 20.

Please help me understand or cope with this better it's really beating me up :(, I know this is a long sentence but I'll def give good points or w/e...

thanksMy girl talks to other guys, I dont like the fact that she does, this is why?
ok..humm..well you have to take it easy on her...jealousy is a very bad habit...and picking on her all the time with no reason...please give her a break... the more u do that, the more u push her away from u...I'm sure that she knows u love her. Well u can't stop her from talking to other guys, she is not even you wife yet...and even if she was, that doesn't give u right to control her like that...she got life too u know, but I鈥檓 sure that she's talking to the guys to pay u back for what u did to her...I would dump u if I was cant stand jelaous types...u guys have trust issue...My girl talks to other guys, I dont like the fact that she does, this is why?
Wall of text
So I decided to read all of that. and it seems like she shouldn't be talking to other guys. just sit there and talk to her. If you guys have already had sex. that could be a problem. sex ruins the relationship. do u think u guys got 2gether? girls dont like controling guys!!!!! itz just very weird, im srry but just stating true facts!!

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